Manolito Gafotas en ¡Mola ser jefe!

IMDb 3.0/10  (109)

Year: 2001
Country: Spain
Actors and Actresses: Doro Berenguer, David Carrillo, José Luis Carrillo, Jorge Jiménez
Review: This is a hilarious look at contemporary Madrid from the point of view of ten year old Manolito. Witty, funny and moving, the film has crossed-over from Spain to become a classic family entertainment.On this particular occasion, Manolito is in the middle of Chrismas break and ready to celebrate the holidays with his nutty family: his mother, Cata, his father, Manolo, Grandpa and Imbecile. This year holds a big surprise: Uncle Nico, his mother's brother who lives an works in Oslo as a waiter. Uncle Nico shows up in an unbelieveable motor home to spend Christmas Eve with the family.He is accompanied by his flashy Norwegian fianc
Movie added at: 17.06.2024


'Manolito Gafotas en ¡Mola ser jefe!'

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