Plac zabaw
IMDb 6.2/10  (1 028)
RFF 9.0/10  (1)

Year: 2016
Country: Poland
Actors and Actresses: Nicolas Przygoda, Przemyslaw Balinski, Michalina Swistun, Patryk Swiderski
Review: Final day of school in a small Polish town. It's the very last chance for a 12 year old Gabrysia to tell her classmate that she had fallen in love with him. She sets up a secret meeting and blackmails the boy to show up. But what was supposed to be an intimate talk spins out of control and leads to an unexpected ending. - IMDb
Movie added at: 20.04.2023


'Plac zabaw'

Chobotnice z druhého patra
IMDb 6.7/10  (156)
RFF 9.5/10  (2)

Year: 1986
Country: Czechoslovakia, West Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Portugal
Actors and Actresses: Martin Sotola, Zaneta Fuchsová, Milan Simácek
Movie added at: 19.04.2023

'Chobotnice z druhého patra'

Alex Holeh Ahavah
IMDb 6.9/10  (811)
RFF 7.0/10  (1)

Year: 1986
Country: Israel
Actors and Actresses: Eitan Anshel, Yael Wasserman
Review: Israel in the early 1950s, where Alex, who is 13, is growing up. His typical family is made up of a bossy mother, a father who suffers silently, a sweet and kind grandmother, and an odd Persian neighbor who is fighting a never-ending battle with his bald-spot. Alex falls in love with Mimi, a beauty from his class, until Lola, a Polish relative, comes to Israel in search of her lost love. Alex falls head over heels with this woman while she nurtures him.
Movie added at: 18.04.2023

'Alex Holeh Ahavah'

IMDb 6.4/10  (470)

Year: 2014
Country: Bulgaria, Romania
Actors and Actresses: Simeon Tsolov, Daria Vitkova
Review: Unwanted by her mother, Viktoria is being born with no umbilical cord and doesn't need Boryana until the hardships of life bind them together. - IMDb
Movie added at: 17.04.2023



Vikingové z Bronských vrsku

Year: 1993
Country: Czech Republic
Actors and Actresses: Jan Morávek, Tomás Novotný, Lucie Vondrácková, Michal Novotný
Movie added at: 16.04.2023

'Vikingové z Bronských vrsku'

IMDb 4.8/10  (140)

Year: 2022
Country: Italy, France
Actors and Actresses: Maayane Conti
Review: In the process of searching for her beloved lost dog Marcel, a mother reconnects with her neglected young daughter. - IMDb
Movie added at: 14.04.2023



Rambling Rose
IMDb 6.6/10  (5 339)

Year: 1991
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Lisa Jakub, Lukas Haas
Review: Rose, is taken in by the Hillyer family to serve as a 1930s housemaid so that she can avoid falling into a life of prostitution. Rose's appearence and personality is such that all men fall for her, and Rose knows it. She can't help herself from getting into trouble with men. "Daddy" Hillier soon grows tired of Rose's rambling ways. - Rob Hartill, IMDb
Movie added at: 13.04.2023


'Rambling Rose'

Take Me to the River
IMDb 6.2/10  (2 668)
RFF 10.0/10  (2)

Year: 2015
Country: USA
Actors and Actresses: Ursula Parker, Ashley Gerasimovich
Review: Ronnie Scheib of Variety says this is writer-director Matt Sobel's, first full length film. 'Take Me to the River' unfolds in an atmosphere of mystery and dread that contrasts with its surroundings' bucolic serenity. A gay Californian teenager's visit to Nebraskan relatives turns more nightmarish than he anticipated, for reasons that he never could have imagined, as clouds of displaced sexuality hover over flowing rivers, fertile fields and little girls on big horses. Told uniquely through the kid's (Ryder, played by Logan Miller) largely uncomprehending point of view, this Midwestern gothic tale maintains sufficient visual distance to suggest alternative narratives from other perspectives. This superlatively acted indie film promises more than it delivers, but chillingly evokes sufficient primal dread to intrigue all audiences. The film debuted at the Sundance festival on January 26, 2015. - IMDb
Movie added at: 12.04.2023


'Take Me to the River'

IMDb 7.0/10  (589)
RFF 6.3/10  (3)

Year: 2019
Country: Germany
Actors and Actresses: Oskar Netzel, Ben Bickele
Review: Markus, a good-looking, likable and respected architect, is a paedophile. Bodies of little boys excite him. He suffers tremendously because of this inclination. He tortures himself for it and is disgusted by himself. Nevertheless, the arousal is there. And there is nothing he can do about it. He struggles the most when he is about to become sexual with a boy for the first time. That is when he senses that he will not be able to keep his desire under control for much longer. He is getting more and more isolated. Markus struggles to resist the ever-rising calls in his head to finally 'do more' with a boy. - IMDb
Movie added at: 11.04.2023




Year: 1992
Country: Russia
Actors and Actresses: Tanya Voropaeva
Movie added at: 10.04.2023


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